Author's Information

ALL submissions must be made on-line vía LASCAS EASY CHAIR site.

Email submissions will NOT be accepted!!

Use the Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings

Paper Length: Maximum 5 pages, of which 4 are for technical content,
including text, figures, and references (if any), and with one additional optional 5th page containing only references
Paper Size: A4 (210mm X 297mm)
File Format: Adobe PDF (.pdf)
Allowed File Size, up to: 5.0MB
Do NOT page number your paper
Do NOT apply security settings to your PDF file.

Submission Instructions

Accepted Papers

Accepted papers must be checked on IEEE PDF eXpress site before the final submission following these instructions:

  • Go to the IEEE PDF eXpress website to check or create your PDF file.

  • Insert this conference ID:60203X

  • Once you have a compliant PDF file, return to the LASCAS EASY CHAIR web site and upload your final submission.

PLEASE check these instructions to submit the camera-ready version.

Oral Presentation Guidelines

A computer will be available in each session room to display the slides. Please bring your presentations in PDF format.

Presenters must arrive at least 15 minutes before the session starts to introduce themselves to the session chair and to download their presentation onto the computer available in the room. This can be done either through the internet or by using the USB flash drive provided in the room.

The allocated time for each talk is 15 minutes in total, comprising 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. LASCAS presentations are required to be in English, while Iberchip presentations can be delivered in English, Portuguese, or Spanish.

Please use THIS TEMPLATE for the first slide of the presentation.